Friday, April 5, 2013

Windows Phone still fails in the enterprise, says Citrix report

Windows Phone still hasn't
managed the crack the
enterprise, and has only a 7%
share in new adoptions in
corporations, according to a
recent report by Citrix. That
number hasn't budged since
the last report, showing
Microsoft still hasn't managed
to figure out how get
corporations to buy into the
The report only includes iOS,
Android, and Windows Phone/
Windows Mobile devices,
leaving out BlackBerry, which
means that Windows Phone
(and iOS and Android) true
share of the enterprise market
is smaller than the report
shows. Citrix compiled the
report based on data it
gathered from customers who
use Citrix cloud-based
enterprise mobility
management tools. BlackBerry
has its own means of
deployment, and so isn't
included in the report.
The report says that Microsoft
has a 7% market share in new
adoptions, compared to 58%
for iOS and 35% for Android.
iOS gained two points
compared to last quarter, while
Android lost two points, and
Windows Phone/Windows
Mobile was unchanged.
The news wasn't all bad for
Windows Phone/Windows
Mobile. It dominates the oil
and gas industry, with more
than 90% of new adoptions,
and has more than 10% of new
adoptions in the utilities
But that's about all the good
news. In no other industry
does it have a 10% market
share, and in many industries,
its numbers are so minimal
they don't even show up on
the charts Citrix put together.
The Citrix report also
examined blacklisted apps,
which enterprises ban, and
whitelisted apps, which
enteprises favor. Interestingly,
Microsoft's Skype made both
The numbers are not just bad
news for Windows Phone, but
for Windows 8 and Windows
RT as well. Microsoft is
attempting to put together a
single integrated ecosystem
spanning all those platforms.
The Citrix numbers show that
it's not working, and that
could hurt Windows 8 and
Windows RT adoption in the
enterprise as well. It's also a
sign that the strategy of
having a single unified
interface among all the
platforms hasn't paid off in
the way that Microsoft had
hoped, either.

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